Our eggs are $7/dozen. Please contact us for availability.
If you are 60 or younger, you may not know what eggs are supposed to taste or look like. When chickens are raised on pasture and greens - their natural environment - their eggs have a rich golden color that you don't find in factory-raised animals. This color comes from all the carotenes they get from greens.
Do you know what goes into the eggs you eat??
What is the difference?
Our chickens
Full beak
Natural enzymes
No medications
No synthetic vitamins
No appetite stimulants
No soy
No animal by-products or fillers
Clean air
Fresh air and sunshine
Plenty of exercise
No sick birds
Fresh daily greens
Manure falls directly (and through compost) onto growing forage and active soil for efficent nutrient cycling - converted to plants
Higher in vitamins and minerals
No irradiation
Environmentally responsible
Rich, delicious taste with firm white and yolks that stand up
Conventional chickens
Vaccinated from day one
*De-beaked - cannibalism a problem
Antibiotics (immune-suppresant)
Routine medications
Routine synthetic vitamins
Routine appetite stimulants (Arsenic)
*High soy diet
Animal feces, waste, bones, feathers, putrid fat, grain by-product fillers with little nutrient left, injected with chemical nitrogen to boost protein etc.
*Hazy air with fecal particulates (damages respiratory tract and pulls vitamins out of body overloading liver)
*Limited air and practically no sunshine
*Limited exercise
*High mortality to sickness
*No green material or bugs
Manure fed to cattle etc. or spread inappropriately
Low vitamin/mineral content
FDA approved irradiation (label not required)
*Environmentally irresponsible
Poor, flat taste, yolks that break, and whites that run all over the plate
*also applies to nearly all organic chicken
Our FRESH eggs vs. others:
Simply on the question of "fresh", the difference is age. Other eggs can be weeks or even months old, and aging causes the egg to deteriorate.
The yolks of fresh eggs will stand up firm and round while the white won't run all over the pan.
Store eggs have frequently been stored for long periods of time. Normally they go through a disinfectant wash and then are waxed or oiled to restore the integrity of the shell. Most of the eggs come from battery raised hens that have never seen the light of sun or scratched in earth.
When chickens are housed indoors and deprived of greens, their meat and eggs become artificially low in Omega 3's. Eggs from green-fed hens can contain up to 20x more Omega 3's than eggs from factory-raised hens.
There is a direct relationship between feed, yolk color, and the nutrient content of the egg. The more orange the yolk, the higher the level of health-enhancing carotenoids.
Studies have shown that free range eggs are also higher in vitamin A, folic acid, vitamin B12, lutein, Omega 3 fatty acids, and vitamin E.
"Farm eggs" are not the answer. Most of the time, the hens are battery raised or confined with artificial lighting, given no or limited exercise, and are fed the same commercial diet as store producers.
"Organic" is not the final answer for total wholesomeness because the diet of poultry animals must be grass/green fed in order to have the correct balance of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids.
Our eggs...
Naturally raised.
Free range with sheltered areas for scratching and exercise in the winter.
Fed available organic grains with seeds, sprouts, greens and natural enzymes/minerals.
Synthetic vitamins or minerals
Inedible animal by-products (feathers, feces etc.)